

Thank You Poems

Use any of these thank you poems to tell someone special who has been there for you in good times and bad, how much they mean to you.

Thank You, Friend

Hello, good friend, how are you?
I hope you're feeling fine.
I'm okay,
and it's thanks to you
being a friend of mine.
You do so much you'll never know,

the comfort you bring to me.

Sometimes I forget to tell you though,

the words just don't come easily.

I know I can always count on you

to cheer me up when I'm sad

I know you don't believe it's true

but you make life not so bad.

So, I want to take the time to say

how much you mean to me.

and tonight when to the Lord I pray

I'll think of you especially.
Patty Zink


Thank you all for all that you have done.
Hard times are now turned into times of pride.
All this we managed with you by our side,
Nor could we otherwise this course have run.

Kindness isn't tendered on demand:
You gave with love, not merely out of duty.
Our days are daily burnished by that beauty.
Upon your love we three now proudly stand.
Unknown Author

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